Thursday, October 16, 2008

Retired Life

Today is a free day. I can do anything I want. Especially since I've named my site "retired in arizona". So I suppose I should let you know what there is to do when you retire. Our motto is "We can DO anything we want". So here is a pic of what Larry decided to do on his free day.

Notice how carefully he placed the rocks in balance. Even the high winds cannot blow the rocks down. Then to finish the look, he added the iguana we brought back from Puerto Vallarta Mexico. I like it!!!

On my free day, I decided to move the computer room around. You know, move the desk on this wall now and move the furniture so i have a new look. Besides, it's time to take off the heavy drapes that protected the room from the heat, and replace them with something lighter that lets the sunshine come in. I do enlist the help of Larry for the actually moving of furniture cause ya know.....I'm just a girl. Going to sign off with a pic of our sunset last nite. ENJOY!!


Rayna said...

hey finally made it to your blog. I've enjoyed your retired stories and pics! Especially the rock tower Larry did, that's hilarious.

hazel1548 said...

Enjoyed the rock structure by Larry and "I" thought the lizard/iguana was real. Yikes! Glad to hear you & Larry are enjoying the retired life. That's wonderful. Love ya - Kathy (ex co-worker and now a retired too)