Monday, August 31, 2009

Time Passes

Time sure does pass quickly. To think It's taken me this long to post another blog. Guess I'm not very dedicated.

It was a fun summer. Loved having the kids here. It gives them a chance to be together for a few days. Gives the parents a chance to get to know each other again. And gives me the gramma to know the kids better too. What fun we had!!

After a couple of weeks, we've rested up, slept till noon and made it down to the casino for the prime rib buffet and gamblin complements of the Tropicana Casino. Woo Hoo!!! Nah, didn't win any money. But didn't spend any either. We had comps for the food and free play money on our cards.
I'm spending the days inside the airconditioned house. Doing my embroidery projects and Larry is out on the porch shootin rabbins. Ho Hum. To each their own huh?

I did have to get up a little early this morning. A customer had a virus problem on her computer and I said I'ld be there by 10am. And so I was. Got most of it fixed up.

I'll try to be better so that I can get on with this Re Defining Retirement. Even in this economy.

Here is my part: Bought a whole chicken at Wallmart for $2.50 each. I separated the leg, thigh and wing for one dinner. Then I proceeded to boil the remaining chicken and deboned it for green enchilada dinner. And they say waste not want not, I made a chicken chowder with the water used for boiling. That was yesterday. Today we had left over enchiladas. Half the soup is in the frige AND tomorrow we have the remaining chicken parts fried with Rachel Rays recipe using yogurt.

Whew. That is totally enough for today. See ya all another day.