Thursday, November 20, 2008

Cabo and Traveling

It's been a while since I made notes. To tell the truth, it's because I lost my password. But here I am, ready to update you on all my travels. Most recently, we made our yearly Mexico Vacation trip in November with a destination in Cabo. Not sure if I look forward to the vacation itself, or hanging out with marvelous friends. It was important this year after losing my dear sister and having new friends in Arizona. I needed to be with friends I've known for years and years that have become more like family. Thank you Judy for those flowers upon our return. It reminded me of the flowers you sent when I was in the hospital with surgery. In my darkest lonely nite in pain, I could smell the flowers you sent and feel the love. Thanks.

We had a BLAST in Mexico. Boni and Christina went with Larry's son John and wife Kristie and did the ATV riding. Oh, Mike from Arizona joined them as well as two other couples. From the pics, it looks like they had a fun time. Then when we visited the marina, a group did the Parasailing. Larry and Boni rode together. They said it was awesome. I'll start planing for next year now.

The week before we did the Mexico trip, I took a few days to help Boni out with the twins. He got layed off a month or so ago, so he's home with the kids until the holidays are over. Doing a good job, but it's nice to had some addition hands. It was lots of hard work. I give you young people "kudos"! Had fun............but lots of work too. His sister Sarai is helping out too. She's really ambious. On her two days off from Kohls she picked up the twins and kept them over nite.

I started this blog thing to also let you know what retired life is all about. Well, I've decided that the word "retired" is just not working out. I've got to find another word that better depicts what this phase of life is all about. So here is an idea of what my week is like. AND don't forget the part that I LOVE IT.
  • Saturday - We are actively and seriously playing pool. So we have our team members over on Saturday to practice playing pool till 2am and having fun.
  • Sunday - I have to prepare myself for the Monday classes with handouts and planning what I'm teaching overall.
  • Monday - Now I have to get up early to teach my first class at 10am. Ya know I'm not an "early bird", but I've never been late. If I have to make copies of the handouts, I need to arrive around 9:30 am to make the copies at the College. Then the second class is at 2pm and I'm done by 4pm.
  • Tuesday - I might have a few alterations to finish and deliver. And time to get ready for the Tuesday nite league in Bullhead.
  • Wednesday - Well I'm for sure not getting up early after playing pool. But again, I might have some alterations and maybe some updates on websites. Of late I have some private tutoring of a client in Bullhead that has become regular. Then Pool.
  • Thursday - wow! I finally have a day that is free. Oh wait. Belay that idea. I have to go to Kingman to pickup my medication. Since we are goin in that direction, I drop off the powerpoint presentation at the cable company that the dry cleaners ordered from me. I might as well since she paid me already. Now Larry says while we are going to Kingman, we might as well go to the DMV to renew our car registration. Well. . . . . this part is amazing because we walk into the DMV building and there is not one person in line. They still give us the number thing, but we proceed directly to the window. What fun. Since we are in Kingman and going to Walmart for my prescription, we might as well get some groceries. AND now I'm hungry. You know I'm diabetic. So we go have some Chinese. Since we are in Kingman, we also visit Home Depot and why not hit the Billiard store too. Whew.............get home at 5:00 pm and we are so tired, we fall asleep and wake up at 7:30 pm. Just in time to eat again and watch some TV.
  • I'm ready for Friday now and start the whole process again.

Wanna know what to do when you retired? Our Motto is - - - What Ever You Want.

And we sure are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!