Monday, October 27, 2008

Grandkids Visit

Hello!! As I was looking over the photos of the weekend with the grandkids. One kept sticking out in my mind. I just couldn't resist showing you this one first. So here it is!!!

Another DOUBLE RINGER for gramma!!!

Okay. Here is the good parts of our visit. I was collecting toys for the little ones. And sure enough it paid off the first day. Look at AJ with all the Legos.

Look at this little kid. He sure does appreciate his gramma.

Since we had Cassandra and Katrina and Brookie, we decided to make the best of their visit. So we went to the nursery and got those trees I've been wanted to add to the yard for shade. Here are our little kids working hard.
Well, that is just a few of the photos. I'll post more later. As you can imagine, I'm tired. We planted those trees. Went to yard sales. Made cookies. AND played Monopoly till midnight. Whew!
Talk later................

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Another Day - Another Dollar!

The weather is just marvelous. Days are warm and windy, I don't mind windy. The evenings are cool with at least a million stars in the sky. The moon last nite was less than half and so when we returned home last nite I could barely see the gate latch on the ground. We have a system, Larry and I. He drives and I open and close the gate. Sometimes when we've been gone all day, I open the gate and get the mail across the street. Ya know there are no street lights and a dirt road. I don't get scared. It's some kind of liberating feeling that I'm out in the dark with no one around, just a faint sound of dogs barking in the distance. I enjoy that time. Then I heard Larry boom "hey, are you okay?" Many times we just sit on the patio and look at the traffic coming down the hill from Bullhead to Kingman. Makes me feel like a gramma. Hey.................I am a gramma. AND Sarai is bringing me her four children for the weekend. I'm so excited!!! I've planned out what we are going to make for dinner. We are going out to gather rocks in the morning. Maybe the local swapmeet. And of course we always play monopoly and horseshoes. This is great weather for horseshoes. Last summer Cassandra was the first to have a double ringer. This summer I finally got mine.

Tuesday is my busy day. I teach at the college in Bullhead. Then dash over to Kingman for pool league. Last nite we had a pleasant surprise and Lori from California was in Laughlin so we traveled back over to hill to hang out with her and the family. It's great to see friends and catch up on the goings on.

Today, I finished up a project of hemmed outfit and picked up a few dollars. Got another call to hem drapes and I'm finishing it up tonite. So there's another couple of dollars. Mostly it's nice to meet people and having a projects makes me keep busy. Some days I could easily lay around all day in my jammas. Glad for small favors.

that's all for today guys. See ya later..................

Monday, October 20, 2008

Prop 8

Reckon I'm ready to give my opinion on prop 8. What a sensitive issue it has become. And remember, this is just my opinion. I thought that separation of state and church should be the first issue. The church will always reconize only a marriage between a woman and a man. But the state is a different entity and has already ruled that a couple can get married in a civil ceremony. Just let it be. It doesn't take anything away from the religious sect.

On the other hand. I think that our father in heaven is a loving father. He truly wants each and every one of us to be happy and fulfilled as a person. Sometimes that means having a partner. I don't think that our father in heaven meant for any of us to be alone. It is a natural course of life to have a partner.

If you put aside what anyone does in their bedrooms, it should be viewed as two persons who want to build a life together and care about eachother and solidify that union with a document in front of family and friends.

Personally, and I will probably have said too much now. I was in a 20 year marriage in the prime of my life and didn't have a very healthy relationship. Now I've found the love of my life, my soul mate, and menopause or old age has changed certain aspect of our lives. Yet we love and live and have a most wonderful relationship in peace and harmony. I would only wish such a relationship for any gay, lesbian or heterosextual persons. Companionship is really cool!
There. Let's get on with the election and be done with it too. I want to start thinking about Cabo #1, then Thanksgiving and Christmas and the New Year. Woo Hoo!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Retired Life

Today is a free day. I can do anything I want. Especially since I've named my site "retired in arizona". So I suppose I should let you know what there is to do when you retire. Our motto is "We can DO anything we want". So here is a pic of what Larry decided to do on his free day.

Notice how carefully he placed the rocks in balance. Even the high winds cannot blow the rocks down. Then to finish the look, he added the iguana we brought back from Puerto Vallarta Mexico. I like it!!!

On my free day, I decided to move the computer room around. You know, move the desk on this wall now and move the furniture so i have a new look. Besides, it's time to take off the heavy drapes that protected the room from the heat, and replace them with something lighter that lets the sunshine come in. I do enlist the help of Larry for the actually moving of furniture cause ya know.....I'm just a girl. Going to sign off with a pic of our sunset last nite. ENJOY!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Still Workin at It

Yesterday was a difficult day. Can't even tell you why. It was a "boo hoo" day in between taking care of teachin my class at the college and playing league pool last nite. Maybe the moon made me miss my little sister more. So here is today. Feelin better. It did help that the class was so eager and "spongee" ready to learn. We went off track when someone asked a question, but it was still fun. Then at league I won two out of four matches. Sometimes my head gets big cause as I'm shootin I can hear the guys making oooos and ahhhhs. In my head I'm sayin "if you thought that was cool, watch this"! Then I miss..................

Now it's time to get ready for Mexico. I soooooo look forward to this time. Not so much the shopping and site seeing. It's vacationing with friends or sometimes, potential friends. We've been doing this for years now. We get to relax and have the staff cater to our every need. When I sit down with Judy or Viv and start playing catch up, it's like I saw them the other day. It's a family feeling that I love and need.

Wish I had more to share today. So here's a note......go to mom's blog and read the stories of sister Soli. I hadn't heard the "there are fairies at the bottom of my garden. It's not so very far away". Soli had to memorize that poem when she was really little. AND everytime we got in the car, there she went..........we all knew it!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Keepin Busy

When I came back from my sister's services, I prayed to keep busy. Well, guess God is still answering my prayers. I came back home in time to teach at the community college and this last week they added two more classes. So I'm teaching on Monday and Tueday. That leaves the rest of the week!!

This weather is what it's all about!! Fall and Spring make up for the hot summer and the cold winter. Here are pics of my rose garden and fruit trees. I just love my roses. And they have a great fragrance when we are sitting on the porch reading a book.

I still feel sad, very sad about my sister Soli. So I sit and enjoy some memories and then force myself to get up and do something. When daddy died, I look back and feel like I lost a year of my life sitting around feeling sorry for myself. Thank goodness for good friends like Donna Cutler. She always called or dropped over at the right moments to move me along.

Today I'm blessed to have even more close friends in this new phase of my life. My good friends from California are helping me move along now. If I started to name them, I would surely make a mess of it. You know who you are. Friends and family, that's what life is all about.

So take a look at my roses. AND, see those lumps of sand? Sometimes we watch what the ants are doing. Busy bees they are. That hill is about three inches high. Cool huh?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Lazy Sunday

Okay. I've joined the forces of "blogging". I admit this is a great way to communicate to everyone at once. So come back and listen to my story as often as you want.

Notice my title? Yup. That me. Retired in Arizona. Just a lil ol' California girl living out here in the desert. Today is truly the end of summer for us. The air conditioner is off, the windows open and a great breeze flowing through the house. Who could ask for more?

I'm preparing my lesson for tomorrow's class entitled "How to Create Digital Photos". The college advertised the class that way. I'm stepping in to teach the one day class. So I just made up what I thought that would entail.

That's all for now folks. Just a start. I'll get photos etc. Ya'all come back now, ya hear!