Monday, October 20, 2008

Prop 8

Reckon I'm ready to give my opinion on prop 8. What a sensitive issue it has become. And remember, this is just my opinion. I thought that separation of state and church should be the first issue. The church will always reconize only a marriage between a woman and a man. But the state is a different entity and has already ruled that a couple can get married in a civil ceremony. Just let it be. It doesn't take anything away from the religious sect.

On the other hand. I think that our father in heaven is a loving father. He truly wants each and every one of us to be happy and fulfilled as a person. Sometimes that means having a partner. I don't think that our father in heaven meant for any of us to be alone. It is a natural course of life to have a partner.

If you put aside what anyone does in their bedrooms, it should be viewed as two persons who want to build a life together and care about eachother and solidify that union with a document in front of family and friends.

Personally, and I will probably have said too much now. I was in a 20 year marriage in the prime of my life and didn't have a very healthy relationship. Now I've found the love of my life, my soul mate, and menopause or old age has changed certain aspect of our lives. Yet we love and live and have a most wonderful relationship in peace and harmony. I would only wish such a relationship for any gay, lesbian or heterosextual persons. Companionship is really cool!
There. Let's get on with the election and be done with it too. I want to start thinking about Cabo #1, then Thanksgiving and Christmas and the New Year. Woo Hoo!!

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